You may be wondering about the title of this blog. I was walking home from work last summer(before cancer and unemployment) and I happened across a homeless dude sitting by the currency exchange. As I walked by him, he said "If I had a cupcake, I would shove it right up your ass." Not sure why he chose a cupcake which did not really seem as threatening as others items i could imagine being shoved up there. And I got to thinking vanilla, chocolate, red velvet? Frosting or sprinkles? Mini cupcake or full size?
Anyway, I have since adopted the if I had a cupcake phrase to correspond to almost anyone or anything that is bugging me at any given moment. Such as "If I had a cupcake, I would shove it right up cancer's ass."
This makes me laugh out loud. I'm going to have use that phrase, too. If I had a cupcake, I would shove it right up cancer's ass, too.